Download Nvidia CUDA Toolkit. The CUDA Installers include the CUDA Toolkit, SDK code samples, and developer drivers. CUDA Toolkit: The CUDA Toolkit supplements the CUDA Driver with compilers and additional libraries and header files that are installed into /Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-10.0 by default. Symlinks are created in /usr/local/cuda/ pointing to their respective files in /Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA- 10.0 /. Nvidia Web Driver and CUDA Installation Instructions for macOS 10.13.4 (17E199) Things To Do 1) install the Nvidia Web Driver 387. 5/5 Excellent Your rating: not submitted CUDA Toolkit is a collection of powerful tools which will help developers to significantly speed up their GPU fro use in various fields, such as natural resource exploration, medical imaging, and more.
- CUDA Drivers for MAC Archive. AI AND DEEP LEARNING. CUDA ACCELERATED COMPUTING. Download Drivers > CUDA Drivers for MAC Archive. Relevant Links. CUDA Zone; Relevant Links. SIGN UP FOR NVIDIA NEWS. Follow NVIDIA. USA - United States.
- With NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit, you can freely build GPU-accelerated application software projects. First things first, CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA.
- Download Nvidia CUDA Toolkit. UDA Toolkit is a C language development environment for CUDA-enabled GPUs especially designed for macOS.
- C/C++ compiler
- Visual Profiler
- GPU-accelerated BLAS library
- GPU-accelerated FFT library
- GPU-accelerated Sparse Matrix library
- GPU-accelerated RNG library
- Additional tools and documentation
- Easier Application Porting
- Share GPUs across multiple threads
- Use all GPUs in the system concurrently from a single host thread
- No-copy pinning of system memory, a faster alternative to cudaMallocHost()
- C++ new/delete and support for virtual functions
- Support for inline PTX assembly
- Thrust library of templated performance primitives such as sort, reduce, etc.
- Nvidia Performance Primitives (NPP) library for image/video processing
- Layered Textures for working with same size/format textures at larger sizes and higher performance
- Faster Multi-GPU Programming
- Unified Virtual Addressing
- GPUDirect v2.0 support for Peer-to-Peer Communication
- New & Improved Developer Tools
- Automated Performance Analysis in Visual Profiler
- C++ debugging in CUDA-GDB for Linux and MacOS
- GPU binary disassembler for Fermi architecture (cuobjdump)
- [Parallel Nsight 2.0]( now available for Windows developers with new debugging and profiling features..
Install Instructions:
- Double click cuda_9.0.176_win10_network.exe
- Follow on-screen prompts
- Open cuda_9.0.176_mac_network.dmg
- Launch the installer
- Follow the on-screen prompts

- `sudo rpm -i cuda-repo-fedora25-9-0-local-9.0.176-1.x86_64.rpm`
- `sudo dnf clean all`
- `sudo dnf install cuda`
- `sudo rpm -i cuda-repo-opensuse422-9-0-local-9.0.176-1.x86_64.rpm`
- `sudo zypper refresh`
- `sudo zypper install cuda`
Ubuntu 17.04
- `sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1704-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64.deb`
- `sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-<version>/`
- `sudo apt-get update`
- `sudo apt-get install cuda`
Ubuntu 16.04
- `sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64.deb`
- `sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-<version>/`
- `sudo apt-get update`
- `sudo apt-get install cuda`
Popular apps in Videocard Utilities
- C/C++ compiler
- Visual Profiler
- GPU-accelerated BLAS library
- GPU-accelerated FFT library
- GPU-accelerated Sparse Matrix library
- GPU-accelerated RNG library
- Additional tools and documentation
Nvidia Cuda Toolkit Ubuntu
- Easier Application Porting
- Share GPUs across multiple threads
- Use all GPUs in the system concurrently from a single host thread
- No-copy pinning of system memory, a faster alternative to cudaMallocHost()
- C++ new/delete and support for virtual functions
- Support for inline PTX assembly
- Thrust library of templated performance primitives such as sort, reduce, etc.
- Nvidia Performance Primitives (NPP) library for image/video processing
- Layered Textures for working with same size/format textures at larger sizes and higher performance
- Faster Multi-GPU Programming
- Unified Virtual Addressing
- GPUDirect v2.0 support for Peer-to-Peer Communication
- New & Improved Developer Tools
- Automated Performance Analysis in Visual Profiler
- C++ debugging in CUDA-GDB for Linux and MacOS
- GPU binary disassembler for Fermi architecture (cuobjdump)
- Parallel Nsight 2.0 now available for Windows developers with new debugging and profiling features.
What's New:
CUDA 9 is the most powerful software platform for GPU-accelerated applications. It has been built for Volta GPUs and includes faster GPU-accelerated libraries, a new programming model for flexible thread management, and improvements to the compiler and developer tools. With CUDA 9 you can speed up your applications while making them more scalable and robust.
Release Highlights
- Up to 5X faster libraries with optimizations and heuristics
- Powerful thread management with cooperative groups
- Up to 1.5X faster HPC apps with Volta GPUs, NVLINK and HBM2
- Speed up high performance computing (HPC) and deep learning apps with new GEMM kernels in cuBLAS
- Execute image and signal processing apps faster with performance optimizations across multiple GPU configurations in cuFFT and NVIDIA Performance Primitives
- Solve linear and graph analytics problems common in HPC with new algorithms in cuSOLVER and nvGRAPH
Cooperative Groups
- Express rich parallel algorithms with threads from sub-tiles to warps, blocks and grids
- Manage and reuse threads efficiently within an application with new API and function primitives
- Replace warp-synchronous programming with robust programming model on Kepler architecture and above
Volta Architecture
- Execute AI applications faster with Tensor Cores performing 5X faster than Pascal GPUs
- Scale multi-GPU applications with next generation NVLink delivering 2X throughput of prior generation
- Increase GPU utilization with Volta Multi-Process Service (MPS)
Development Tools
- Optimize and pre-fetch memory access by identifying source code causing page faults in unified memory
- Profile NVLink efficiently by adding events to timeline and color coding connections
- Inspect unified memory performance bottlenecks with new event filters based on virtual address, migration reason and page fault access type
Complete release notes can be found here.